Become the spark that ignites connections

You have been everything to everyone, but to yourself. You decided to attend college for your parents, and it resulted in big loans and limited direction. You’ve worked on the frontline as a clinician this entire global pandemic, and no one has ever said thank you.

That’s OK, YOU know what you’re made of. YOU know your dream will become your destiny. YOU know that being for yourself does not mean you can’t also be there for others. You should be able to feed your soul while supporting those around you. We hear you! We see you!

C.O.R.E. is designed specifically to fuel your growth, while allowing you to reach back and help others. Through giving Grant Fellows stipends, specialized classroom and field training, workshops, events and mentorship, SNN will leverage their dollars to fund generational awareness and growth.

With the C.O.R.E. Workforce Development Grant, you have the resources to help you find that most valuable asset, YOU! Your PASSION, your POWER and your PURPOSE.

Time to focus, time to empower future generations, time to dream, and most importantly, time to create a joyful tomorrow for yourself and others.

So, take a moment, find your center, embrace your core. Apply for the grant and
take this opportunity to make something positive happen for you, your family and your community.

C.O.R.E. is more than a program—it’s a pathway to your future. Join us and take the next step toward a fulfilling career and lifelong connections.
Apply now to secure your spot in the C.O.R.E. community!

Ready to start your journey with CORE? Reach out to us at or call 323-949-6738 for personalized guidance.



Increase Awareness

Be introduced to the diverse career opportunities in behavioral health sciences (such as speech, occupational, and behavioral therapy) 


Expand the Workforce

We want to help develop clinicians from communities of color serving populations that mirror who they are and aspire to be.


Access to Services

This will increase the number of agencies in the state who contract with the state to provide interventions to the 0 to 3 population. 



Aired/Posted January 30, 2023
Special Needs Network, Inc. Founder, Areva Martin, talks about the new program and how it will be providing critical training for professionals in the community.


Aired/Posted March 8, 2023
Areva martin as an attorney and legal analyst, often on fox 11 news. this is her other major work the special needs network.


Aired/Posted March 8, 2023
The special needs network launches a new program and corporate offices.

Good Day LA (FOX)

Aired/Posted March 8, 2023
Increasing diversity dmong special needs professionals 

Children with autism in disenfranchised communities of color are often diagnosed later than their non-minority peers; misdiagnosed at a higher rate than their mainstream counterparts; labeled emotionally disturbed; and often over-medicated. Many are denied insurance benefits, medical care and treatment, and, ultimately, their fundamental right to an education and a future…because of this, we must continue our work so that thousands of diagnosed kids across this nation will continue to grow, thrive, and live their best lives.

Areva Martin Esq.

FOUNDER + CEO, Special Needs Network, Inc.

C.O.R.E. Fellowship Program

There is currently a critical shortage of developmental disability professionals who identify as  African-American, Latino(a), Asian Pacific Islander, Indigenous, or other people  of color.  In particular, this shortage has negatively impacted children with developmental disabilities who come from similar communities of color.  The C.O.R.E. Fellowship Program will address this shortage by training and connecting racially diverse professionals with agencies that provide critical early services for children with developmental disabilities in communities of color.  To qualify, you must meet the following criteria: 

A. College Students
1) Enrolled in 2024 in an Associate’s/Bachelor’s/Graduate Degree program in the human services field.
a)  Sociology
b)  Psychology
c)  Child Development
d)  Speech Language Pathology
e)  Occupational Therapy
f)  Behavior Analysis
g)  Communication Disorders; OR related field;

2)  Minimum 3.0 GPA in all major related units.

3)  Statement agreeing to participate in and complete program trainings and activities.

4)  Commitment to working as an Early Intervention Specialist for a minimum of 1year in a California regional center contracted agency selected by program.

5)  Commitment to pursue certification/license or education in Clinical Psychology, Special Education, Marriage and Family Therapy, Social Work, Speech and Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Early Childhood Development or Behavior Analysis.

B. College Graduates/Working Professional
1)  Have earned an Associate’s/Bachelor’s/Graduate Degree in the human services field.
a)  Sociology
b)  Psychology
c)  Child Development
d)  Speech Language Pathology
e)  Occupational Therapy
f)  Behavior Analysis
g)  Communication Disorders; OR related field;

2)  Commitment to working as an Early Intervention Specialist for a minimum of 1 year  in a California regional center contracted agency selected by program.

3)  Existing certification/license in Clinical Psychology, Special Education, Marriage and Family Therapy, Social Work, Speech and Language Pathology, Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Early Childhood Development or Behavior Analysis.

Program Benefits

1) Customized Diversity, Equity, Inclusion training course and certification. 

2) Professional subject matter and leadership training.

3) Paid training stipend.

4) On the job training and support in an early start program with a California regional center contracted agency selected by program.

5) Career guidance.

6) Networking opportunities with industry leaders.

Apply Today

Now is YOUR opportunity to be the change… Raise a voice… Make a difference… Represent!

