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Call To Action – Public Hearing Support

California Senate Human Services Committee Bill Hearing – AB1147

AB 1147 is co-sponsored by Disability Voices United and Integrated Community Collaborative. Special Needs Network,  along with Public Counsel and several advocacy groups have provided a letter of support for the bill which seeks to address issues of equity, accountability, and transparency in the regional center system.  We need YOUR SUPPORT TO CALL IN AND SHOW SUPPORT OF THE BILL!

Date: Monday, July 3, 2023, at 3 p.m. or upon adjournment of Session 

Location: 1021 O Street, Room 2200

Agenda Link:

Here are several of the things that the current version of AB 1147 does if enacted:

+   Establishing performance measures for regional centers that they must meet

+   Requiring regional centers to write down how they are helping people get generic resources

+   Identifying more clearly the race/ethnicity of every person served by the regional centers

+   Removing the requirement to appeal denials from generic services

+   Subjecting regional centers to the Public Records Act

+   Allowing individuals to have their IPPs remotely

+   Requiring DDS to work with self-advocates and families to develop a plan to create a new technology system

+   Making sure regional centers offer at least a common set of services

+   Creating a statewide system to contract with service providers

+   Requiring better training for boards of directors and protecting them from retaliation

+   Reducing conflicts of interest by prohibiting regional center staff from receiving gifts worth more than $10 from service providers

+  Making sure every single person and family learn about the Self-Determination Program


Teleconference Public Testimony:

NOTE: You will only have between 30 seconds to 1 minute to speak


  1. Hello Chair Alvarado, members of the committee: My name is [ ] and I am a (parent/caregiver) of a child with special needs who is a regional center consumer. I am calling today in SUPPORT of AB1147 and urge you for a YES vote.”
  1. “Hello my name is _____, I am a (parent/caregiver) of a child with special needs, and I’m calling to SUPPORT AB 1147 and urge the committee for a YES vote. thank you.”


How Public Hearing Works:


Dial:  877-226-8163  / ACCESS CODE: 1147276

  1. When a committee moves to public comment, a moderator will ask anyone who is wishing to testify in “Support” or “Opposition” of the bill to please press 1-0.   
  1. When you press 1-0 on your phone, you will wait and an operator will assign you a line number, at that time you will be placed in the queue for identification.  Remember your line number, the moderator will call out that number to identify YOU when it is your turn to testify.  
  • OF IMPORTANT NOTE: If you press 1-0 a second time, you will remove yourself from the queue and you will not be identified to testify. Every time you press 1-0 you either put yourself “In queue” or take yourself “Out of queue” so listen carefully and press 1-0 only once when you are prompted by the moderator.
  1. When you are successfully in the queue, with your assigned line number, the moderator will call out your line number, open your line, and at that time you may address the committee. You must have your own phone unmuted before you begin testimony.
  1. To watch the livestream of the proceeding visit: 
  1. To listen only, but not testify, for this hearing in Senate Committee Room 2200, please dial 1-888-808-6929 and use Access Code 7362834.